Sunday, August 12, 2007

Enchanted Kingdom

I went to Enchanted Kingdom last Saturday so I thought of using it for my blog entry since we have been discussing about architecture the past few sessions.

I would consider E.K. as a work of art although it was patterned from Western architecture. What I find so amazing about it was the way they divided the place into several places as if you are travelling in different worlds. They were able to bring out the best through highlighting the special features and bringing out a theme in every division ensuring that every detail will suit the chosen theme. Even the rides and the stalls were also created in such manner. I simply love the way they were created just to suit our imagination.

No one will get bored, except for the part where you would have to wait for your turn in the rides, because there are a wide variety of activities in store for everyone.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Sympsons

It was last Friday when I had the chance to go out with my friends and watch a movie! At long last! I was really looking forward to Ratatouille but majority of my friends wanted The Sympsons and we left for MOA a little late for Ratatouille's showing time so I was left with no other choice. I am not an avid fan of The Sympsons so I was not excited at al and I thought it was cornyl. But what amazed me was the fact that I laughed so hard in the movie house. It was one hilarious movie! Every scene was funny, not the corny type, and a little green but with a moral.

The celebrity dysfunctional family finally made it to the big screen and this time around, a city’s fate lies in the hands of Homer Simpson. It’s so hilarious you’ll laugh the one and a half hour screen time away.
It’s not just dumb comedy though because amazingly, it drives home an environmental message besides imparting family values.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Welcome to the world of a graduating student

I do not really have the time to go out or do something of great value to art so I am sorry if this blog entry is a little rubbish. Please bear with me since I am doing my thesis and case presentation for my practicum.

I would like to comment on the recent reading we had which tackled nudity as an art. I strongly disagree with what the author is trying to imply or even suggest that women are of lesser value than men. The reading seems so sexist that it favors men in general. I may sound exaggerating but I would just like to express my opinion on such matters because it bothers me knowing that people think that way. You may also think I am bias with my point of view because I am a woman but, with all respect to men, I think we ought to be rational with regards to expressing our views. I may also be wrong given the fact that the reading discussed matters concerned with nudity during the earlier times which, in fact, is still very evident today. Men treat women as if of second sex to them. They do not get to realize their worth unless women have fully satisfied them with their desires. It is sad that men tend to think and behave this way especially to women who cannot express themselves in society. I just feel grateful that I am a woman of power, someone who can prove her worth despite all odds. I do not mean to brag but I hope there are a lot of women out there who are like me so that no men would dare think she is inferior to him.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Yuchengco Museum

It was my first time to visit the university museum and I was glad that I had the chance to, which would never happen had Ms. Castro did not require us to do so. We were tasked to choose one painting that strucked us the most. I chose William Yu's "Mother and Child."

Enough about the piece since I have already discussed in the paper why I picked it. I do not have anything so interesting to blog at the moment, except for this one question that bewildered me ever since my boyfriend and I visited this shop in Mall of Asia. It was a store selling antiques and paintings. He was looking for a painting that will suit their dining area. I left him for awhile and looked around the store. I would consider the paintings all of good quality but not so much of the eye-catching ones. The pieces all seem typical, nothing so special about them. What caught my attention was the fact that the prices were ranging from 50k to 300k! I do not understand why they were so expensive at all. The artists were not so famous nor familiar, or maybe since it was not my field of interest that I do not know these people. The paintings were very simple. I think my sister can produce the same thing! But then again who am I to judge these pieces, I do not have much knowledge on the field. I was just really wondering why they have to sell those pieces so expensive.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I was looking for a book in the library to be used in a report in my HISTCIV class. I stumbled over this book entitled “An Introduction to Music and Art in the Western World.” Since the sessions covered within the week tackled visual arts, paintings in particular, I will take this opportunity to blog about what I have felt upon reading it.

I browsed the pages of the book and finally stopped in the section containing the different works of art by famous artists. I am not an avid fan of such works and I do not fully appreciate such pieces. I might sound bitter and I would not deny this fact partly because I consider myself as a frustrated artist. I love to draw and sketch my ideas using whatever materials I could grab, from my own pencil case to my mother’s garden. But then again, I think I am a failure in this field. I guess the only person who admired my work was my little sister, given that I will do her a favor afterwards. The thing that frustrates me most was the fact that all of my siblings have the talent to produce a great piece. I was always left in bewilderment, thinking of a reasonable explanation why I did not inherit such talent from my parents since they also excelled in the field during their younger days. On the other hand, I cannot do anything much about it so instead of dwelling into my frustrations, I have come to love my own masterpieces—my stick-figure people, my self-imposed butterflies, my own clothes line, all portraying myself as an individual. I no longer care if people would laugh at it as long as I appreciate my own works of art. I do not really need other peoples’ assurance that I did well because I did not intend to please anyone else but myself in the first place.

*mush corner*
I agree when Ms. Jewel said that life, indeed, is full of questions. People tend to question every single bit of reality although most of it cannot be explain in any way. We look for assurances in this world, that our very own existence is for real and not just some fantasy that we wished for. We rationalize everything, and once we found it we just realize it’s not what we are really looking for, hence, set out a new journey to search for another one again. We just never get contented with what we have. But this is where the essence of learning becomes truly realistic.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Shrek the Third

I have been really fascinated with animated films ever since I was a kid, and up to now I still look forward to watching every single animated film that would be shown on screen. I feel like a kid at heart upon watching one. Today, I borrowed a Shrek the Third DVD from my friend because I have been dying to see it but could not find the time to go out. It was a good thing I did not have much school work to do over the weekend to I managed to grab the cd and play it.

Shrek the Third was not a disappointment, the way I have been disappointed with Pirates of the Caribbean. I was also expecting a lot from this film since the last two really knocked me off my feet laughing. Funny how Shrek struggled to face his responsibilities, that of being the next heir to the throne and that of being a father. Shrek always hated responsibilities. The part I really love was the little ogres scene! The film left me with the message of change; that the weak can someday be a king, and that villains can also have their happily ever after ending.

Although Shrek the Third was an animated film, it does not necessarily mean that it has a different movie language. The ABC’s of live film also applies to it. The position of the camera, such as the ling shot to show the chaos going on in the Far Far Away Kingdom, the close-up shot of Puss in Boots to show his compassionate face; the lighting design, such as the low-key used in the scene where Prince Charming together with the villains plot their revenge; the sound design, such as the music used in the different scenes to establish the mood and emphasize emotions of the characters. These elements all together made the film even more appealing, therefore more effective in narrating the story. It was amazing how the people behind it thought of merging every famous fairy tale into one big kingdom, and using an ogre instead of the typical beautiful characters. It was like a way of breaking the stereotypical notion that we have during our childhood days. Indeed, Shrek the Third was a success.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Art in Action Dance

It film has its own language, so does dance as shown in Art in Action Dance. It showcased several types of dances that could be found in different regions of the Philippines. Some originated from our country while some were influenced by outsiders, especially our colonizers.

Costume also plays an important role as it creates additional effects to the whole performance. The grace as the dancers sway can also determine the mood as well as the dance movements. The dance steps should be executed accordingly so as to avoid sending the wrong message to the audience. It is important to learn the elements of dance because it leads us to the better appreciation of the piece. It also allows us to interpret the movements according to the context where the dance was based from.

It was also great to watch performances such as this other than the usual modern/pop dances we see. Through showcasing these dances one will have an idea on our own native dances. We should be proud of what we have and learn to appreciate our own for it will further give rise to the Filipino culture.