Sunday, July 29, 2007

Welcome to the world of a graduating student

I do not really have the time to go out or do something of great value to art so I am sorry if this blog entry is a little rubbish. Please bear with me since I am doing my thesis and case presentation for my practicum.

I would like to comment on the recent reading we had which tackled nudity as an art. I strongly disagree with what the author is trying to imply or even suggest that women are of lesser value than men. The reading seems so sexist that it favors men in general. I may sound exaggerating but I would just like to express my opinion on such matters because it bothers me knowing that people think that way. You may also think I am bias with my point of view because I am a woman but, with all respect to men, I think we ought to be rational with regards to expressing our views. I may also be wrong given the fact that the reading discussed matters concerned with nudity during the earlier times which, in fact, is still very evident today. Men treat women as if of second sex to them. They do not get to realize their worth unless women have fully satisfied them with their desires. It is sad that men tend to think and behave this way especially to women who cannot express themselves in society. I just feel grateful that I am a woman of power, someone who can prove her worth despite all odds. I do not mean to brag but I hope there are a lot of women out there who are like me so that no men would dare think she is inferior to him.

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