Friday, June 22, 2007

Art in Action Dance

It film has its own language, so does dance as shown in Art in Action Dance. It showcased several types of dances that could be found in different regions of the Philippines. Some originated from our country while some were influenced by outsiders, especially our colonizers.

Costume also plays an important role as it creates additional effects to the whole performance. The grace as the dancers sway can also determine the mood as well as the dance movements. The dance steps should be executed accordingly so as to avoid sending the wrong message to the audience. It is important to learn the elements of dance because it leads us to the better appreciation of the piece. It also allows us to interpret the movements according to the context where the dance was based from.

It was also great to watch performances such as this other than the usual modern/pop dances we see. Through showcasing these dances one will have an idea on our own native dances. We should be proud of what we have and learn to appreciate our own for it will further give rise to the Filipino culture.

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