Sunday, June 17, 2007

movie company

I haven’t really read or watched a movie within this week so I have nothing so good to blog about. The class has not thoroughly discussed the art of film, except for the Cinema Paradiso, therefore less stuff to tackle. But since I am a movie-lover let me talk about my own notion with regards to movies.

A lot of people love the movies because somehow a part of them could relate to it which I agree with just like half of the class. It’s not at all about entertainment that makes people go and watch a movie but more of the company they could get while doing so. It’s unusual to see someone alone in the movie house although I know some people who already tried doing so but ended up regretting it. Having someone to sit along with you for more or less two hours makes it even more worth it. The fact that you have someone to share that quality time is meaningful enough to see a movie like the way you can also relate to it. No wonder most of us prefer to go with someone, may it be a family, a friend, or a lover so long as we get a company. Going to the movies is now a form of bonding for it also allows people to spend time together. We can relate not only to the characters in the movie but to the person sitting right next to us.

Please bear with me if I’m a little mushy. I’m just happy in love!

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