Saturday, June 30, 2007

Shrek the Third

I have been really fascinated with animated films ever since I was a kid, and up to now I still look forward to watching every single animated film that would be shown on screen. I feel like a kid at heart upon watching one. Today, I borrowed a Shrek the Third DVD from my friend because I have been dying to see it but could not find the time to go out. It was a good thing I did not have much school work to do over the weekend to I managed to grab the cd and play it.

Shrek the Third was not a disappointment, the way I have been disappointed with Pirates of the Caribbean. I was also expecting a lot from this film since the last two really knocked me off my feet laughing. Funny how Shrek struggled to face his responsibilities, that of being the next heir to the throne and that of being a father. Shrek always hated responsibilities. The part I really love was the little ogres scene! The film left me with the message of change; that the weak can someday be a king, and that villains can also have their happily ever after ending.

Although Shrek the Third was an animated film, it does not necessarily mean that it has a different movie language. The ABC’s of live film also applies to it. The position of the camera, such as the ling shot to show the chaos going on in the Far Far Away Kingdom, the close-up shot of Puss in Boots to show his compassionate face; the lighting design, such as the low-key used in the scene where Prince Charming together with the villains plot their revenge; the sound design, such as the music used in the different scenes to establish the mood and emphasize emotions of the characters. These elements all together made the film even more appealing, therefore more effective in narrating the story. It was amazing how the people behind it thought of merging every famous fairy tale into one big kingdom, and using an ogre instead of the typical beautiful characters. It was like a way of breaking the stereotypical notion that we have during our childhood days. Indeed, Shrek the Third was a success.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Art in Action Dance

It film has its own language, so does dance as shown in Art in Action Dance. It showcased several types of dances that could be found in different regions of the Philippines. Some originated from our country while some were influenced by outsiders, especially our colonizers.

Costume also plays an important role as it creates additional effects to the whole performance. The grace as the dancers sway can also determine the mood as well as the dance movements. The dance steps should be executed accordingly so as to avoid sending the wrong message to the audience. It is important to learn the elements of dance because it leads us to the better appreciation of the piece. It also allows us to interpret the movements according to the context where the dance was based from.

It was also great to watch performances such as this other than the usual modern/pop dances we see. Through showcasing these dances one will have an idea on our own native dances. We should be proud of what we have and learn to appreciate our own for it will further give rise to the Filipino culture.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

movie company

I haven’t really read or watched a movie within this week so I have nothing so good to blog about. The class has not thoroughly discussed the art of film, except for the Cinema Paradiso, therefore less stuff to tackle. But since I am a movie-lover let me talk about my own notion with regards to movies.

A lot of people love the movies because somehow a part of them could relate to it which I agree with just like half of the class. It’s not at all about entertainment that makes people go and watch a movie but more of the company they could get while doing so. It’s unusual to see someone alone in the movie house although I know some people who already tried doing so but ended up regretting it. Having someone to sit along with you for more or less two hours makes it even more worth it. The fact that you have someone to share that quality time is meaningful enough to see a movie like the way you can also relate to it. No wonder most of us prefer to go with someone, may it be a family, a friend, or a lover so long as we get a company. Going to the movies is now a form of bonding for it also allows people to spend time together. We can relate not only to the characters in the movie but to the person sitting right next to us.

Please bear with me if I’m a little mushy. I’m just happy in love!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Cinema Paradiso

Good day!

Since our Artapre class will be dealing with films in the next sessions I chose to blog about the recent film we have seen, Cinema Paradiso.

Cinema Paradiso is a film that depicts Toto’s life story as well as those people important to him, with a twist on the emergence of film from the time when a projector was still used. Toto deals with his life trying to leave behind every memory in Giancaldo-- the movies, Alfredo, and Elena. The movie also portrays how difficult it was to put on a movie just with the use of a projector. But with great passion, such as Alfredo’s and later on Toto’s undying love for the movies, that the people were able to appreciate films. It is also quite hilarious how people of the past tried to disregard sex (i.e., kissing) in the films. His present commitment was affected by his first love, Elena. No matter how much he tried to forget about her, every memory of their love still lives on deep within his heart the way he never forget about the movies.

Cinema Paradiso is one great art that truly deserves appreciation.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Patterns by Amy Lowell

I would have opted to write something about Pirates of the Caribbean but since I was a little disappointed with the movie I chose a piece from my Litera2 class instead, Patterns written by Amy Lowell.
*click on the site below to view a copy of the poem*

Patterns is a poem portraying how our lives are governed with rules imposed by our society. It involves a forbidden love between a lady of high status and a man who died in the war. The death of her lover goes with the death of her only hope to free herself from the pattern, which is symbolized by the brocaded gown she is wearing. The text is trying to overthrow this pattern but in the end fails to generate an outcome. It is quite ironic that even the form of the poem itself lacks a pattern. Another fact that astonished me is the way these patterns serve as a protection for an individual through restrictions. Does protection necessarily mean restricting a person from being happy? I personally chose this text because I can fully relate my situation with the poem at the moment. I am stuck between a choice of pursuing to medical school after my graduation, which would pretty much please everyone especially my family, and a choice not to, which would please no one else but myself. The text leaves me with the challenge to free myself from my own patterns, patterns that people expect me to pursue in life. I appreciate the way it captures reality in the societal level and as for me in a much personal level.
